miércoles, 1 de abril de 2015

One Hour of Sun

In Ray Bradbury’s story "All Summer in a Day", people lives in the planet Venus, and lives in rain.  Every 7 years the sun comes out in this planet. A girl named Margot, who lived in the earth has had seen the sun before, and she always described it better that the other kids.  One day they were crating poems and the kids were really mad because she did really well. That day the sun was supposed to come out. But the only one who believed in this was Margot. The other kids locked her in a closet, but that minute the sun came out and all the kids went running and felt the sun. But the sun only last for one hour. That  hour passed really fast and the kids forgot about Margot. When the sun was gone and the rain came again, they remembered about Margot and took her out of the closet. 

I like how Ray Bradbury uses imagery to make the reader visualize whats happening in the story.
"Sometimes, at night, she heard them stir in remembrance, and she knew they were dreaming and remembering gold and yellow crayon or a coin large enough to buy the world with." (1)

Bradbury is showing one of the scenes in this part of the story. He is describing how Margot heard the kids and the people stir when they were remembering of the sun and dreaming about how they thought it was.  You can imagine how the place is and the people wondering how the sun looks.

"Margot stood alone. She was a very frail girl who looked as if she had been lost in the rain for years and the rain had washed out the blue from her eyes and the red from her mouth and the yellow from her hair."

This explains and describes that the main character, Margot is a very timid girl that has here own opinion about things. Also that living in this rain is making her depressed  and with no zest for live.

This story showed me that maybe in many years we will not have sun and we will live only in rain, so we have to take care of our planet because if not is going to be destroyed. The message of this short story is that we have to respect other people and do not make them feel uncomfortable of what they think. This means that we have to respect their opinion and do not judge what they do.

This music video talks about a year without rain in this story is the opposite 7 years without sun.

jueves, 8 de enero de 2015

Step by Step Bringing Realize the Reality in which we Live

                                                                                                                                                                     Jonas was playing with Asher and Fiona. They were playing about war and killing each other in the game. Jonas reminded the memory of war. He was so angry that their own friends were playing this brutal game. He said them to stop and they were like why? He just lived because he didn’t want to see them play this game. He loved his friends so much but they couldn’t understand the importance of KILLING. They didn’t know anything about the world other people lived before. Jonas why curious about the release of the girl who the was the receiver of memory. The giver explained that she was doing her training but the memories of pain were too much for her.  So she asked for a RELEASE and the elders gave it to her. Jonas was confused because on his rules it said that he could not ask for a release. So the giver explained that when this girl asked for a release all the memories that she gained on her training were through all the community and everyone had the memories. It was a DISASTER. So from then on if you are the receiver of memories you cannot ask for a release. Jonas now understands and he wished he could see the release of the twins his dad was going to do.  The giver said that he could if he asked. Jonas wasn’t sure but he agreed. He was watching the screen and the video started. It was his dad putting a needle on one of the twins. When he finished the baby was with rare position. Jonas reminded one of the memories that someone died and it was the same position. He understood that release was killing and that his dad killed babies. And other people killed old or people who make more than 3 mistakes on the community. He didn’t think it was right so he wanted to change that. And from that day the giver and Jonas started planning something so they could make a difference.

This video shows the war between the Jews and Hitler. Hitler was killing so many people because he wanted sameness. In Jonas society they use release for sameness. For example with the twins the one who weighed less was release. When Jonas was watching his friends played the game he reminded of war and how so many people died.

“ No, I just have to make the selection. I weight them, hand the larger over to a nurturer Who’s
   standing by, waiting, and then I get the smaller one all cleaned up and comfy. Then I perform a small ceremony of release and" (pg.136)

In the page 136 Jonas father was talking about release of one of the twins. This part of the book makes me analyze and understand that in this community a new change or anything that is different would ruin the way of their living and their system of controlling the community. For example if they let both twins stay in the community this would make the pattern of their life a disaster. They would be confused and frustrated and will not know what to do. This means that their whole life is a pattern and a change will make them go crazy.  

This image is about two twins that will totally change the people in Jonas community because they are touching each other and they would confuse people because they are exactly the same.

Reading this book is making me curious I want to know what is going too happened in the next chapters. I think Jonas will go to change the world but someone is going to find out that Jonas is not on the city. I also think that baby Gabe is going to be part of Jonas family because they had have him for many time and have proved the committee of elders that they can stay with Gabriel. I want to know if Jonas is going to get to change the way this society lives and stop the killing of innocent people.

This image is how I think Jonas society is going to be after he make his plan true.

domingo, 21 de diciembre de 2014

Braking Rules

Jonas was experimenting new colors and new memories. He started asking more questions about his training. He didn't understand why people could not make their own decisions every morning. Why could they choose what color of tunic they could use? He though that it was unfair people could not see colors. The giver explained to Jonas that people could make bad choices. They continued the training. The giver showed him how elephants were killed and people were poaching his tusks. Jonas felt very sad and painful about the memories the giver had given to Jonas. After the training the giver explained to Jonas why he was important in the community. He helped the other elders took better decisions with all the memories he had learned. For example when the elders wanted to increase the population, he use his wisdom and memories to see that many years ago people were dying because over population. He helped the elders understand that that was not the best for the community. The days passed and he continued learning. He asked his parents if Gabriel could sleep on his room they said that he could. The giver continued giving Jonas memories about pain and pleasure. When the giver was doing a certain face Jonas know that that day he had to leave the Annex room. One day he went and the giver was doing the face or expression so Jonas said the giver can I help you and the giver said receive the memories. He was suffering about war. Many people were fighting because of hunger and problems. Jonas was impressed and understands the feeling of pain. When this happened the giver finalized the training with a memory of pleasure. He started giving memories of love and Jonas loved it. This was the favorite memories of the giver. Gabriel was sleeping in Jonas room and Jonas give nice memories to Gabriel so he can sleep better. One night he gave Gabriel a memory of love. The next day Jonas liked so much the feeling of love that that morning Jonas didn't took the pill of stirrings.

“I mean feeling, actually, that it was kind of nice, then.” (pg 126)

In this part of the book the giver is showing Jonas the feeling of love. He is saying that holidays and memories of family and happiness is love. The giver starts to show him many memories of love and happiness, after he has gave the memories of war and pain.  Maybe these memories are going to change Jonas way of seeing his community. This part of the book is important because Jonas starts to realize that he likes the feeling of love. He is confused on how he is feeling. Jonas starts realizing that love is nice and that it feels good. Also that family could love you more than anything. Jonas does not see that his family appreciates him so he asked his family if they loved him. They responded PRECISION OF LANGUAGE. Jonas liked so much this feeling that he shared them with baby Gabe so he could feel them too. The next morning he didn't took the pills of stirrings so he could feel the love all day long.

I predict that in the next chapters Jonas is going to transmit more and more memories about love to baby Gabe. Gabe is going to grow up and start transmitting memories about war and pain. I also think that when Gabriel is older he is going to be the new receiver of memories. Jonas is going to change the society and make everyone see colors and feel love.  I also predict that Jonas will stop taking his pills of stirring and make Fiona and Asher stop taking them too. This are make predictions and I want to know if this will happened or not in the next chapters.

lunes, 15 de diciembre de 2014

Jonas in a New Stage of his Life

Jonas is now in a new stage of his life he is now the receiver of memories. A job in which he is going to have pain and be alone in his training. He cannot share his training with anybody and he is allowed to lie. The next day he had to go near the house of the old and start his new job. He went in and the room was filled with books lots and lots of them. Jonas was wondering if they were books filled with millions of rules. He saw a man, which was seated on a chair. He started introducing himself and the new job of Jonas. He began sharing some memories to Jonas. One of the fists memories was about snow. He was in a sled going through the snow and he felt very good.  The man gives the memories just with the touch of a hand. Jonas liked very much the memory of snow because it was something he never experience. He was wondering about why do the community didn't had snow. And the old man said it was because it ruined crops and they had climate control. The second memory was about sunshine. Jonas did very well on this memory because he understood the word the old man was trying to say. The sunshine burned Jonas skin; he thought that was the pain the chief elder was talking about. But the old man said it wasn't. When the training was over Jonas asked the old men what is your name and the man said you can call me the giver. Jonas arrived home and he went to sleep. When they had to share them feelings Jonas said he didn't had any but he was lying he had dreamed on the sled and the awesomeness about snow. He went to his job and the giver told Jonas about the colors. Jonas was starting to see the color red. He saw it on the ceremony of twelve, on the apple, and on Fiona’s hair. The giver explained Jonas why the community didn't have colors anymore, and he made Jonas see the memory of the sled again. He saw that the sled was also color red. What is going too happened to the rest of the colors?

This is a visualization of  how I think the room of the giver is. 

“All I gave you was one ride, on one sled in one snow, on one hill. I have a whole world of them in my memory.” (83) 

How could the giver had so many memories inside him? I am wondering how they transport the feelings. If the man gives the memory to Jonas why does that memory delete from the giver is Jonas able to be the giver someday so he can share the feeling of being on the snow. I am also wondering why do all the doors are always open, why do the giver door is locked. Isn't that a rule to have all doors open ? I want to know what is going too happened in the next chapters of the giver, so I can answer all of my questions.

Jonas is like this with all the questions that has per day. He is a very curious person that wants to know more about the world.

I predict that in the next chapters Jonas is going to feel the pain that the chief elder and that the giver said he was going to feel. I also think the giver is going to share more feeling about the world, colors, and how was everything before. Also I think the man is going to share what happened to the girl many years ago, and why was she a mistake.

martes, 9 de diciembre de 2014

Chapter 5-9

In chapter five Jonas begins to have different dreaming. These kind of dreams he has are called stirrings. In his society everyone passes through this kind of feelings. When it was time for Jonas to tell his dream he was a little confused about it. Her mom explained everything to Jonas and that it was something normal. In our society it is called puberty, and people passes through this at different ages. Jonas had to take some kind of pills everyday so he would not feel the stirrings. In this chapter Jonas described his feeling about his dreams, the wanting. After he toke his first pill he wanted to feel again the stirrings. His friend Asher already took the pills. In chapter six it talks about Jonas sister Lily she doesn't want to put her ribbons in her head but she was lucky because in one year she doesn't had to wear them any more. The ceremony time was about to start. All kind of ceremonies started like the one of the babies, or the nines or the twelves. It was time for Jonas to be selected to a new job. He was number nineteen. Asher was already assigned to his new job and Fiona too. When it was eighteen the chief of the elders skipped Jonas. She had made a mistake. After all the twelves were assigned to a new job the Chief Elder announced that Jonas job was the most important in his community, the receiver. He was selected because he had intelligence courage and many other qualities. In his job he is going to feel pain in a different way he does now. The chief elder said that 10 years ago they had made a mistake with the old receiver. After the chief elder finished her speech she said Jonas thank you for your childhood. All the audience called Jonas, Jonas, Jonas, Jonas. This meant that  the community accepted him.

"Asher was four, and sat now in the row ahead of Jonas. He would receive his assignment fourth"(51) This part of the book when they were all seated and had numbers that was the other in witch they had to go to the stage and see their assignment reminds me of the movie or book Divergent. It remind me in the ceremony they had to choose in witch faction they had to be. Its kind of the same thing because they are choosing or assigning what are they doing the rest of their lives. The only difference is that in The Giver the committee of Elders choose and in Divergent the citizens have the power to choose. The way the President of the community calls the people out remind me of the book. They are in an auditorium and the citizens applause and the young kids are very nervous about the selection.

Here is a video about divergent it talks about the factions.

conclusion I think that Jonas is going to apply for a release. In chapter nine it says that he cannot apply for a release. When he starts learning and discovering things I think he is going to break the rules and apply for a release because he is going to be confused about his work. I also think that all of the citizens in his community older than 12 lies. In chapter nine Jonas says "what is they had been instructed: yo may lie" This comment make me think if all the citizens in his society lies. Maybe they all lie and nobody knows.

sábado, 29 de noviembre de 2014

Discussing Chapter through Chapter

|The Giver by Lois Lowry is about a boy named Jonas that lives in a society different from our society. Jonas is worried because of the ceremony of twelve, this is a ceremony in witch the committee of elders choose where are the kids of 12 years going to  work the rest of their lives. He is worried because he does not know in what assignment he is going to fit in. The elders choose according to what they like to do but Jonas likes many things.When he was having dinner with his family he had to share their feelings because they did it every night. That night he didn't want to share because he was frustrated about the choosing of the ceremony.After Lily her sister talked he expressed his feelings about the day. His father told him the story about when he was 12 and he was assigned to a work. He is a nurturer and he released babies. The society in witch Jonas live is full of rules and apologizes.An example of when you have to apologize is when you go in late to somewhere. Asher, Jonas best friend was late to school and he had to apologize to everyone in the class. If you don't follow the rules you can get released or punished. Jonas went to do his volunteer hours because to be assigned for a work you need to do certain hours of volunteer. When he entered in he saw the girl he liked, Fiona. They both saw each other with a smile on their face. In the volunteer hours he had to help. He went to help a old man to take a shower. He was having a conversation with someone who helped in the center. They were talking about a meaningful life and how they celebrated when a baby or an older person was released. The people didn't know what released meant and where do people go after they got released.

"This morning we celebrated the release of Roberto," " It was wonderful" pg# 31 this quote makes me wonder what does release means. Is something good or bad. The comment of Larissa makes me think is a wonderful thing. The people in the society celebrate if old or newborn people get released. Before someone is released they make the celebration and tell about their life and say good bye to everyone. No one now exactly were they go. With what Larissa said releasing sound like a meaningful way of going somewhere else. But in the other side when Jonas was playing with Asher and he dropped the apple Jonas said "You are going to get released" that sounded like releasing is something bad for people. It is something bad to use the word release in public so Jonas had to apologize.  If release is something good why would the word be forbidden. I am wondering what does releasing exactly means and what happens to people after they get to be released or where do they go.

I predict that the word release means that the person is going to be killed. I think this way because why would the committee of elders hide something if its a good thing. Also why just if a newborn or a old person is released is a good thing. I think this is that newborn kids are released because they are not the same as the other persons, they had something different. The weight the size their skin color or the eyes color. If they are released and is a good thing its because they never had the chance to live a meaningful life or to have a family. Having old people released is good for them because they had live the meaningful life and have have a complete life. I think they are killed because they are to old and cannot help in anything on their society. I think that if you do not follow the rules and break them you are released. Its a bad thing because they have committed a crime and  you have to get killed because for them is a threat. I hope my prediction is write because for me it make sense. I want to keep reading and find out what the word release means.

This picture reminds me of when Jonas made the comment of the release to Jonas. Also when Jonas toke the apple to his house because he saw the apple change in some sort of way.

martes, 18 de noviembre de 2014

My Pre Reading with the book The Giver

This book looks interesting for me. I think this book is going to be about a world that does not have feelings. Everyone has something to do in their lives and nobody can change it or have an opinion about it. Jonas was one of the citizens of this place, he was chosen by the society in witch he lived on. Now he is not a normal citizen, he is the receiver.

"For all the children To whom we entrust the future"

For me this quote that Lowry wrote means that this book is dedicated for the children who believe in a different future. I think that Lowry with this quote wants to introduce the book with a suspensive way, so readers can understand it with the reading of the book. Also for readers who trust there will be a future like this, to change this kind of future and create a better one with justice and feelings.

My prediction of this book is that the way this society lives now is going to change. Their life's are full of lies, everything is the same. They cannot have any opinions about what they want to do. Everyone is the same and no one can chose. Jonas is going to be chosen for this job, and discover the truth about his society. He is going to change the way of acting of everyone in his country and be revolutionary.

This image for me relates to this book because is showing that he does not have feelings or opinions. He is just silent and do everything that other people do.